
Get A grip, A Review of Promark’s New Active Grip

Exclusive review of Promark’s
New Active Grip

This week we take a look behind the scenes and review something new straight out of NAMM 2016, Promarks new “Active Grip” drumsticks. Regardless of whatever drumstick company you choose to use, it’s great to see drumstick manufacturers pushing the envelope in efforts to make the playing experience of the user better. Drumsticks are arguably one of the most individualized pieces of drum gear we can use as drummers. After all, they are an extension of ourselves.

At this year’s NAMM show, Promark took it upon themselves to tackle an issue that has plagued drummers for ages. That being, “drumstick grip”. We’ve all been there before. You’re playing a show, the adrenaline is flowing, as a result  your hands start to sweat. Your grip starts to get slippery and you can’t wait for the song to be over so you can wipe your hands down on your thigh or towel. Conventional solutions have included wrapping the sticks, adding grip handles, or even using gloves which never seem to feel natural. With Promarks innovative “Active Grip” it seems like they have found a solution to the problem. I took it upon myself to try these out first hand to see how they respond in a real world application.

What is “Active Grip”?

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The NAMM 2016 Experience

Excitement fills the air, opportunity awaits. NAMM 2016. From the minute the gigantic blue banner appears in your peripherals, the excitement builds. The long walk to the front entrance seems like an eternity. You can’t wait to enter those doors because once you enter, anything is possible. You get the first look, the first crack. A privilege. It’s the “cool kids” private party everyone wants to be invited to. A chance

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The Most Important Drum Lesson You Can Learn

In today’s day in age there is a crazy amount of content available for us to learn. What is the most important you ask? The answer is simple, and it’s the most important drum lesson you can ever learn. It is what separates you from your drumming idols, it is, drum roll please,

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When Did You Become A Musician And Not Just A Drummer

When did you become a musician and not just a drummer?

We’ve all been asked the question, How long have you been playing? We wear the answer to this question as a badge of honor. You remember the moment in time when you began to play drums. But can you remember when you became a

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Drum tuning made quick and easy

If you’ve ever played drums I’m sure you can relate, there are a million and one ways to tune a drum. We will talk about how to tune a drum quick and easy. For many years I got lost and confused. Which was the“right way” to tune a drum and how could I achieve the perfect sound?

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Does Winter Break = Drum Break?

The holidays are upon us.  As things come to a screeching halt from the daily grind and nasty weather it’s hard to find the motivation to do anything. Maybe you’ve mustered enough energy to get out of bed and make it to your couch. Mission accomplished.

Wait, but this is no way to make progress in our drumming is it!? Yeah I suppose. BUT

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The Recap: Creating A Drum Cover Video


Over the course of the past few weeks we went through a quick and easy way to create drum cover videos. Here are some final tips to consider that will make your life easier.

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