If you’ve ever played drums I’m sure you can relate, there are a million and one ways to tune a drum. We will talk about how to tune a drum quick and easy. For many years I got lost and confused. Which was the“right way” to tune a drum and how could I achieve the perfect sound? My focus was in the wrong place. The truth is there is no clear cut answer to either of those questions. Once I let go of my perception of what “perfect” meant, I was able to achieve a sound I was happy with and it didn’t take forever to get.
How did I do it? Initially I would tune using conventional tuning methods by tightening the tension rods using a sequence or pattern, which I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with. Although it served as a good starting point, I always found it hard to remember the tension sequence. Call it drummer A.D.D or whatever but it never seemed practical to me.
Once I stopped focusing on a particular “tuning method” and started focusing on the sound I wanted to achieve, I was able to hone in on what’s worked for me. I began by narrowing down the drum sound I was trying to achieve by looking at some of the drummers I admire. One of those being Benny Greb.
I was pleased to learn how simple and practical his “tuning method” is. No special tuner or tension pattern required. All you need to do is be consistent and focus on your desired sound. Here’s how:
1.) After removing the old drum head, make sure the new head is seated evenly, bend the skin along the bearing edge of the head. Don’t worry! It won’t damage the head.
2.) Insert all the tuning rods and make sure they remain loose
3.) Lower the tuning rods to the point that they are just barely touching the rim. Be consistent! Move in a clockwise fashion around the drum. No sequence or tuning pattern required.
4.) Now in the same clock wise fashion, bring the tuning rods down “finger tight”. Using the metal portion of your tuning key, tighten the tension rods in small increments around the drum until you can no longer tighten the tension rod using your fingers.
Note: After every clockwise revolution around the drum, stretch the head by using your palms in the center.
5.) After you’ve completed the “finger tight”,portion of the tuning, the turning of your drum key comes into play. Using quarter turns complete one revolution clockwise around the drum. Once again stretch the head by using your palms
6.) Listen to the drum and determine if another round is necessary. Typically two rounds does the trick.
7.) If you tuned the tension rods evenly around the drum your drum should sound pretty good!
8.) Last step, fine tuning comes into play. Compare the sound of all the tuning lugs by tapping around the drum. Make sure they all sound even across.
You’re done! that’s it. once you’ve done it a few times you quickly realize how fast you get your drum in tune by following these steps. Quick and easy. Don’t forget to subscribe to the blog below for more informational post like this one, drum tuning made easy!
Great advice thanks!