Talented. Gifted. Often words thrown around when considering the skills of today’s top drummers. After all, they create amazing sounds on the drums. With lightning fast chops, deep pocket and groove, they stand alone amongst the rest. We look for explanations for such extraordinary talents. How are they that good?! We often chalk it up to a “gift” they were born with. Something magical in their genetic code. Either you got it or you don’t right?
Or maybe we’re to quick to judge, and look past the obvious. It stares us right in the face. We forgot what it was like to pick up a pair of drum sticks for the first time. The feeling, holding the drumsticks really tight. Hitting the drum, one at a time with no coordination or sense of rhythm.
It was an exciting yet challenging uphill battle from there. I know for me there was definitely a moment where I couldn’t play drums. It was embarrassing, yes I’m sure you can relate, we’ve all felt that way. It took time. But eventually you got it, you were able to play your favorite song or groove. What did it take?
It took time and a lot of it. Overtime you were able to build up enough coordination to use all of your limbs together. An exciting moment. As time progressed, you got better and better. Maybe somewhere down the road, your progress stalled. It happens to us all, life gets in the way.
It isn’t until you get inspired once again by watching one of your favorite drummers that you start to go after it again. And then, BAM! It hits you, self doubt. You feel like you’ll never reach that level. Is it because you lack the “talent”, or the “gift”? Not a chance! The answer is simple and I hope you’re ready to read it. Because you already know it. For some reason we forget or chose to neglect it.
You did it from day one without even knowing it. You Practiced. That’s right, all it takes is practice. I know what your thinking, really? That’s it? Yes, it is! Think about your favorite drummer for a second. If you were able to rewind back in time to the moment they picked up a pair of drum sticks for the first time, their journey started the exact same way ours did.
It took time and a lot of practice to get to where they are today. They put in the hard work. We don’t give them the credit. We chalk up their success to talent because there has to be an easy road. But there isn’t. It takes practice.
The best thing of all is that you can get there too! In fact you’ve already proven it to yourself before. You are further along in your journey compared to day one. Give yourself a chance and go practice. Maybe one day you will be the one to inspire others to play the drums. They might say you’re talented, or gifted, but you can tell them the secret, all it took was practice.
Stay tuned for next weeks topic, “How to practice”. Don’t forget to like and share.