In today’s day in age there is a crazy amount of content available for us to learn. What is the most important you ask? The answer is simple, and it’s the most important drum lesson you can ever learn. It is what separates you from your drumming idols, it is, drum roll please,REPETITION. Regardless of whatever you decide to practice, repetition is where progress is made. Sometimes we get lost with the million and one things out there we can learn. There are drum lessons everywhere! The only way to get great at any of them is by repetition.
Let me explain, let’s say you’d like to improve your hand or foot speed, or maybe even “groove”. Regardless of what exercise you choose, you need to spend time repeating the motion, or feel to begin to make progress. Guys like Thomas Lang with arguably the fastest feet, or Benny Greb with sick groove spent countless of man hours repeating these motions through repetition.
It takes time but most importantly it takes repetition. We do that by building “muscle memory”. What is muscle memory? It’s basically the process in which your body and mind remember a specific action. You build muscle memory through repetition. Muscle memory is that process in the morning when you wake up and you know how to brush your teeth without thinking about it because you’ve done it a million times, is the same way you can blaze paradiddles or doubles on the kit, if you’ve gone through enough repetition.
Applied to anything you can learn on the kit, repetition is where the progress is made. Try it, pick one thing you’d like to get better at on the drums for the next 30 days. Give yourself time and apply repetition. I guarantee you will be far better than before. Applied correctly, repetition is the most important drum lesson you can learn.
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