A Simple Way To Stay Motivated As A Drummer
Not just a superficial question, but one that has deeper meaning. If you can identify why it is you became a drummer, you can use the answer to that question to continue to stay motivated during those times that you don’t feel like practicing or feel like you don’t want to do it at all. Which is fine because every single drummer goes through it, everyone!
Once you identify why you wanted to be a drummer, simply write it down. When the time comes and your lacking motivation to practice, take a look at what you wrote and remind yourself why you did it in the first place. You should be able to find the motivation you need to get through it!
I became a drummer for various reasons. The biggest reason is that I love music. Everything about it, the way it makes me feel, the process of creating it and the people I get to share that with. Drumming is my ultimate form of expression. Without it, I’m simply not myself.
When I lack motivation, I remind myself why I play drums in the first place. The motivation to continue to practice and push forward follows. So ask yourself, why are you a drummer?
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This is so true! Really got me thinking now! Thank you!